From Sunday school to Christian education for adults to book studies and newcomer groups, Trinity offers many ways to grow and develop spiritually.

Our Sunday School program teaches the foundational aspects of religious formation in the Episcopal Church, including Bible stories, the liturgical calendar and, most importantly, Jesus’ message of loving God, ourselves and our neighbor. These lessons are taught through play, games, role-playing and discussion in ways that help the children understand the relevance of God’s message in their everyday lives.
God continues to speak to all of us through the written word, both Holy Scriptures and books written by contemporary theologians, spiritual thinkers, and many others wrestling with the challenges of living in the modern world. We meet on Wednesday nights to discuss what we’re reading in community. We’ve recently discussed Caste by Isabel Wilkerson and The Church Cracked Open by Stephanie Spellers. Currently, we are discussing the readings for the week which can be found on The Lectionary Page.
See our worship page for the Zoom link.

We believe that the process of becoming a Christian doesn’t end at baptism. Christian formation is a lifelong path of discipleship that happens in community, with other Christians seeking to model the way of Jesus in today’s world. We regularly offer adult education classes on baptism, confirmation, and other sacraments of the Christian church. We also offer classes on the Bible, theology, and liturgical traditions unique to the Episcopal Church, including our use of The Book of Common Prayer. Our Newcomers’ Class provides an overview of many of the above topics and is designed specifically for those considering joining Trinity Church.